Thursday, May 1, 2008
Poll Results: What types of projects has your camp taken on in the last year?
This was a question that allowed multiple answers, in order to get an idea of the depth and breadth of SCV camp activities. Overall the poll showed that generally our camps are active in a number of areas: 80% said that their camp had held a memorial service, 72% had cleaned or repaired a cemetery, 62% had placed a grave marker, 62% had set up a recruiting booth, 28% had registered grave sites, 24% had sponsored a re-enactment, 24% had sponsored an educational forum, 24% had participated in a heritage defense battle, 16% had erected a monument, 16 % had participated in community service (like highway cleanups), 14% sponsored or did published research, 36% said they had done other types of projects not listed, and only 8% said that their camp wasn't active.