The IRS has passed new regulations, which take effect in 2008, that will require each camp and division to file an e-card with some simple information on it. Before, any subdivision of a non-profit (in our case camps and divisions) that had receipts of less than $25,000 did not have to file any information with the IRS, and if it had receipts over $25,000 it had to file a 990 form. Now, even those with receipts less than $25,000 will have to file the e-card (Form 990-N). This form must be filed electronically (over the internet). It will ask for information like the principal officer’s name and address, tax period, and a declaration that receipts are less than $25,000. This will not be a complicated form, and can be done in a few minutes, but if a camp or division ignores this obligation, tax-exempt status can be lost. This is not a witch-hunt by the IRS, and the SCV is not being singled out: it affects all non-profits. Camp commanders will receive (or may have already received) notices from the IRS that this change will take place; these are generic and not directed at a particular camp.
Obviously, each camp will need to have someone with internet access to file (paper filing won’t be allowed). Otherwise, this shouldn’t be a major difficulty for most camps.
IRS Article on Form 990-N