Sunday, December 16, 2007

AoT Meeting February 16, 2008, Birmingham AL

Army of Tennessee Meeting

9am Sat, February 16, 2008

Birmingham, Ala.

AOT Commander Kelly Barrow is pleased to invite you to the 2008 meeting of the Army of Tennessee. This meeting will provide National SCV Speakers, good food, and good camaraderie with other AOT members.

Tentative Agenda:

8 am Registration

9 am Opening

9:20 Membership/Retention Bryan Sharp

10:00 Importance of the Adjutant Mark Simpson

10:40 How the SCV Can Make a Difference Ed Butler

11:20 Parliamentarian Procedure Joe Warnke

12:00 BBQ Dinner

1:00 The Operation and Responsibilities of the GEC Chris Sullivan

1:30 Our Financial Picture / Per Capita Tax Ben Sewell

2:10 Planning Events, and Communication Kelly Barrow

2:20 Beauvoir TBA

3:00 Benediction/Adjourn

Registration $12 (includes dinner, program, etc.). Must pre-register by February 9. 80 seat limit. Send checks payable to Camp 1372 to: Camp 1372, PO Box 43362, Vestavia, Ala. 35243.

The meeting will be hosted by Camp Fighting Joe Wheeler #1372 at their meeting place, “The New Merkle House” in Cahaba Hts near the intersection of I-459 (exit 19) and US-280. Take 280 West, through the light at the Summit Shopping Center, turn right at the next light onto Dolly Ridge Rd. Take the third driveway to the right after the first light on Dolly Ridge Rd. Park in the lower or upper parking lot, or park around the Cahaba Heights Elementary School next door.

For a map and detail directions see FJW camp website ( on the "Map to Camp Meetings" listing. The map also shows (5) hotels (with phone numbers) on Hwy 280 that are in easy access to the meeting place.

1. La Quinta Inn (shown as Baymont Inn) $59 single, $65 double

2. Drury Inn $99.99 King (no doubles left), or $124.99 two room suite (up to 4 beds)

3. Best Western (shown as Holiday Inn Express) $74 (ask for corporate rate)

4. Birmingham Mariott $119

5. Fairfield Inn $85

For men whose wives would like to come, the Summit Shopping Center should offer ample diversion and entertainment during the meeting. Other activities may be planned. The ladies are welcome to join us for the meeting or just for Dinner at the New Merkle House for a $10 registration fee.