Thursday, December 20, 2007


Headquarters has been receiving inquiries from concerned officers who have received calls regarding a survey by the Internal Revenue Service. It is reasonable to wonder about any such contact, so Executive Director Ben C. Sewell III investigated and found the following:

The IRS has contracted with Russell Research to contact randomly selected small non profits (like SCV camps) to conduct a 5-minute survey. The purpose of the survey is to see how effective the IRS has been in getting out the word about the new E-Notice requirement that begins at the end of this fiscal year. This is the Form 990-N that each camp and division will have to begin filing in 2008 via the internet.

The questions typically asked in the survey are:

Is your organization still active?

What is your title and are you the point of contact?

Do you have any employees?

What are your annual gross receipts?

A) Under $1,000

B) $1,000 up to $10,000

C) $10,000 up to $25,000

D) $25,000 or greater (which is not who they want to survey)

The information gathered in this survey will be given to the IRS in aggregate totals, and individual camps and their specific information will not be identified to the IRS through this survey.

Bottom line: if you do receive one of these survey calls, Russell Research is a legitimate contractor hired by the IRS, and it is OK to answer the survey questions.