Wednesday, July 30, 2008
General Order No. 2
Shreveport, LA
In Consideration of the Orders issued by General Robert E. Lee declaring 21 August to be a "day of fasting, humiliation, and prayer," all men are directed to make preparation for such an observation.
By order of:
Charles E. McMichael, Commander in Chief
Sons of Confederate Veterans
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
FL Camp Finds "Lost" Cemetery, Resets Stone
After months of searching in the wrong location, they found it on Carters Mill Road. Now renamed the Carter’s Mill Road Cemetery, it contains the graves of Walter Jacob Robinson and John Widgeon.
This week, they went to Widgeon’s grave, a cavalry company soldier who served in the Civil War, and put his displaced headstone right.
According to Ashley Pollette, historian for the Theophilus West M.D. Camp #1346 chapter, Widgeon’s granite headstone had been unsettled from its place by tree roots.
Full story:
Friday, July 25, 2008
Information from the Concord Reunion
Compatriots, below is a synopsis of the business from the Post Convention General Executive Council meeting held Saturday July 19, 2008 and important information from the Concord Reunion.
Post Convention GEC Meeting Business:
1. Commander In Chief McMichael appointed Chuck Rand to be Chief of Staff. Mark Simpson was nominated by the CIC and elected by the GEC to be Adjutant in Chief. Rev. Cecil Fayard was likewise nominated and elected by the GEC as Chaplain in Chief as were Chip Buckner as Judge Advocate in Chief and Frank Earnst as Chief of Heritage Defense.
2. General Order No. 1 was issued by the Commander In Chief.
General Order No. 1
Document: GO 72-1
RE: Sesquicentennial
Date: 19 July 2008
Soon the 150th anniversary of the South's struggle for Independence shall be upon us.
It is our duty to see that it is commemorate in an accurate and visible fashion.
We should have in place plans to, among other efforts, publicly demonstrate our commitment to this.
General Headquarters will be planning a "National" event for each year of this period.
Likewise, each Division should plan some event to be carried out and attended on a Division
scale for each year during this period. These events will be placed on the Commission's Calendar of events and promoted there.
Be it so ordered:
Each Division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans shall plan a Division-wide event for each year during the period of the Sesquicentennial of the Cause for Southern Independence. Each Division shall transmit details of these plans, as they come available, to the Commander in Chief and the Chairman of the Sesquicentennial Commission.
Deo Vindice
Charles E. McMichael
Commander in Chief
Sons of Confederate Veterans
3. CIC McMichael announced the formation of a Heritage Promotion Committee, whose purpose is be to secure property in high profile areas to erect large flag poles - similar to the efforts that have taken place in Florida.
4. Several new awards were initiated. These being the Jo Shelby Award for persons who reinstate a minimum of five members who have been not in good standing for at least one fiscal year and the David O. Dodd Award for members who recruit a minimum of five new members below the age of 18 years of age. There are two categories of this award. The gold medal is for a member who is 21 years of age or younger and recruits 5 members below the age of 18. The green ribbon award is for those over 21 years of age who recruit five new members 18 years old or younger. More information on these awards will be forthcoming.
5. A special pin for the Sesquicentennial has been designed and ordered. These will be for sale by General Headquarters to individual members for 15 dollars each. Camps, Brigades or Divisions can order the pins for 10 dollars each if a minimum order of 20 pings is placed. An announcement will be made once the pins have been received by Headquarters. The pins arrived at GHQ on July 21, 2008.
6. The council passed a motion. presented by Past CIC Denne Sweeney, to establish hard deadlines for officer columns to be submitted to the Confederate Veteran Editor. This will allow for a timely deliver of the Veteran to the members and to secure greater advertising revenue as the submission deadline will permit he editor go guarantee the delivery time to potential advertisers. In the past the editor has not been able to pin down the delivery dates due to there being no fixed deadline for submissions. The required submission dates for each issue of the Confederate Veterans will be published on the masthead of the Veteran. These deadlines will be in effect beginning with the March /April 2009 issue of the Veteran.
7. Officer Training : Commander In Chief McMichael presented an idea to develop online officer training for camp commanders and adjutants. The Council agreed to the concept and will hear a more detailed plan on implementation at the fall GEC meeting. This meeting is set for October 4, 2008 at Elm Springs.
8. Infomercials: The CIC has begun research into the possibility of having the SCV run 30 minute infomercials on cable / satellite channels. He asked that members of the GEC also look into this possibility and bring any recommendations they have to the Fall GEC meeting.
9. The CIC stated that the agenda for GEC meetings would be developed in advance of the meeting and items not on the agenda would run the risk of not be considered until they are properly entered on the agenda for a future meeting.
Other Developments at the Convention:
Election Results:
Commander In Chief - Chuck McMichael ( LA )
Lt. Commander In Chief - Michael Givens ( SC )
ANV Commander - Brag Bowling ( VA )
ANV Councilman -Gene Hogan ( SC )
AOT Commander - Kelly Barrow ( GA )
AOT Councilman - Tom Strain ( AL )
ATM Commander - Todd Owens ( LA )
ATM Councilman - Paul Gramling ( LA )
Amendment 1 - Failed by Ballot Vote
Amendment 2 - ( IRS Language ) - Passed
Amendments 3-8 - Failed by unanimous consent
Amendment 9 - Referred to the GEC for consideration.
Awards at the Banquet:
The Jefferson Davis Chalice was won by outgoing Lt. Commander In Chief Ron Casteel (MO).
The R.E. Lee Award was won by Les Tucker (OK), R. Burl McCoy (KY), and Richard V. Forte Jr. (MS).
Time and Place:
The Henry Semple Camp No. 2002 was awarded the 2011 National Reunion to be held in Montgomery, AL
The James M. Keller Camp No. 648 of Hot Spring, AR had a booth at Concord offering pre-registrations for the 2009 Convention ( July 22-25, 2009 at Hot Spring, AR ) at a cost of 60 dollars. This price is good until November 1, 2008. See or email for more information.
Prepared by:
Chuck Rand
Chief of Staff
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
SCV Honors Black Confederate in NC

MONROE --Information about Wary Clyburn had been tucked away for years in old records and the memory of his daughter, Mattie Rice.
There were records that showed he had been approved to receive a pension in 1926 after letters confirmed he was a Civil War veteran. And there are the memories Mattie Clyburn Rice has from conversations with her father.
Wary Clyburn was a slave.
On Friday, he was honored by the city of Monroe and Sons of Confederate Veterans as an African American Confederate hero. A diverse crowd of around 200 attended.
Full story:
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Election Results from Concord
ANV Councilman - Gene Hogan
ATM Commander - Todd Owens
ATM Councilman - Paul Gramling
AoT Commander - Kelly Barrow
AoT Councilman - Tom Strain
Commander-in-Chief Chuck McMichael by acclaimation
Lt. Commander-in-Chief Michael Givens
Amendments Voting in Concord
3 - create inactive member status
4 - amend the disciplinary process
5 - concerning GEC minutes
6 - set fixed day for officer elections
7 - set fixed day for officer elections
8 - concerning minutes
Amendment #2, containing boilerplate dissolution language required by the IRS passed.
Amendment #1, amending the cadet dues and program structure, was referred to a ballot vote on Saturday where it was defeated.
Amendment #9, defining conduct unbecoming and requiring administrative remedies be exhausted before any member file suit against the SCV was referred to the GEC.
Real Daughter Mattie Rice and other family members of Weary Clyburn were given full honors on Friday, receiving an extended ovation from the convention delegates, and the event received very positive coverage on local TV channel 14, and was also covered by a PBS film crew at the convention interviewing SCV leaders about how we view Abraham Lincoln. Mattie took ill after traveling to Concord and was hospitalized, so wasn't able to be at the convention center and graveside memorial service. Please keep Mattie and her family in your prayers.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Business is Underway in Concord
Real Son James Brown of Arizona was present and recognized.
The credentials committee reported a quorum, 155 camps, credentialled as of the opening.
The Minutes of the 2007 Convention were approved with minor amendments.
The Executive Director reported 29,992 members, with 51 Real Sons, 3290 Life Members and 257 Cadets. The request for donations for the Jefferson Davis statue in the last Confederate Veteran has so far brought in $6,110.00
A proposed budget of approximately 1.1 million dollars for fiscal year 2008 was adopted.
The Time and Place Committee report proposing that the 2011 Reunion be held in Montgomery, AL, July 20-24, 2011 was accepted. The registration fee will be $45.00.
The Public Relations Committee also gave a glimpse of a work in progress, an SCV Media website.
News From Concord: Don't Stay in the Wyndham
Friday, July 11, 2008
Jefferson Davis' 200th celebrated
The Times-Herald
Jefferson Davis -- who headed a Southern government that dissolved 142 years ago -- was feted with a birthday party with cake, the "Happy Birthday" song and tributes from two local teenagers on his 200th birthday.
The local birthday celebration -- sponsored by Coweta Guards Camp 715, Sons of Confederate Veterans -- was held in the fellowship hall at East Newnan Baptist Church on June 3. Davis spoke from the back of a train in 1886 and local citizens lined the same railroad tracks seven years later as his coffin passed by rail headed to Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond.
Davis also reviewed troops at Palmetto during his tenure as president of the Confederate State of America, and his distant in-laws include a Newnan artist.
Mike Webb spoke briefly at the East Newnan ceremonies. He welcomed SCV Lt. Commander-North Ted Brook and Georgia Division SCV Commander Charlie Lott who were guests for the meeting.
"Tonight we'll be honoring one of the leading figures of American history," Webb said, standing near a large portrait of Davis. He noted that Davis came from a family "steeped in military service." His father, a native Georgian, was a Revolutionary War veterans, and three older brothers served in the War of 1812.
See Full Story;
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Rolling Thunder’s Veterans Memorial Run, flag raising set
Registration will begin at 9 a.m. at the Montgomery Community Center at F.M. 149 and College Street in Montgomery.
Departure will be at 10 a.m. A $15 donation will be accepted as entry fee.
The ride will return to Montgomery Community Center at 1 p.m. for barbecue, music, raffles, bike contest, classic cars, vendors and more.
Local VFW and Sons of Confederate Veterans from Grimes County will be participating in this event. Sheriff Don Sowell will escort the ride from Montgomery to Anderson and County Judge Betty Shiflett will welcome visitors. The courthouse will be open for tours.
See Full Story;
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Real Time Updates From Concord To Be Posted Here
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Arkansas Division Commander Durnett Passes
From Arkansas Chief of Staff, Danny Honnoll
We lost Gettysburg on July 3 and Vicksburg on July 4 and now another loss for the South. Comdr. Durnett has crossed over the river and is resting under the shade of the trees with Jackson and Lee.
Charles Durnett's Memorial Service is set for 1 p.m. on Tuesday July 8th.
At: St Mark's Episcopal Church 1000 N Mississippi St, Little Rock, AR 72207
Here are driving directions from Jonesboro to the Church.
The Family is asking in lieu of Flowers to send a donation to one of Chuck's favorite organizations the:
P. O. Box 20905
White Hall, Arkansas 71612
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Survey: What factors largely affect whether or not you attend a National Reunion
Correction on Ed Butler Website
The National SCV Awards Committee and GHQ at Elm Springs is concluding the 2008 SCV Reunion Awards Program preparation.
Deadlines have passed, and some divisions have not communicated any nominations.
Please send all eligible nominations ASAP to GHQ per the official guide attached: (Executive Director Ben Sewell) (National Membership Coordinator Bryan Sharp) (Chairman O'Neal)
Thank y'all for participating.
Greg A. O'Neal,
ChairmanSCV Awards Committee
407 847-9854 home
407 791-4734 cell
(As published in the 2006 SCV MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY, except my e-mail address changed last year and it was updated on the SCV National Committees webpage contact link at that time as shown above.)
AWARDS PROGRAM FOR NATIONAL CONVENTION July 16 - 19, 2008 Concord, North Carolina
The SCV Awards Manual was last revised in February 2006. All awards will be in accordance with this revised edition. The Awards Manual may be downloaded from the SCV website. Previous editions of the Awards Manual are obsolete.
Awards Display
The SCV Awards Display will be set-up for the National Convention in Mobile near the SCV Headquarters table by noon on Wednesday, July 16, 2008. This is the drop-off and pick-up point for all SCV awards at the convention.
Best Camp Award
Camps who wish to participate in this competition should print a copy from the SCV website or they may request one from GHQ if they have no internet access. Entry forms should be sent to:
Compatriot Chuck Norred
Best Camp Competition
16526 Karen Rd
Madera, CA 93638
All entries should be on the new form approved effective July 1, 2002. Any forms from previous years will not be valid. Please check and make sure you have the current form. Up-to-date forms should be available on the SCV website. Deadline for best camp entry forms is June 15, 2008.
Newsletter Awards
To be entered in the newsletter competition, four (4) copies of each newsletter issued during the eligibility period must be submitted to the National Awards Committee by June 15, 2008. Eligibility period is July 2007 issue through June 2008 issue. See the Awards Manual for all details that must accompany the entry. Newsletters should be sent to:
Compatriot Gary Ayres
SCV Newsletter Competition
3615 S 70th Rd
Humansville MO 65674
Scrapbook and Historical Project Award
Entries for the scrapbook or historical project awards must be delivered to the awards display table not later than 5:00 p.m., Thursday, July 17, 2008. No entries will be accepted after that time. Camps must arrange to pick up their entries on Saturday, prior to the dismantling of the Awards Display Table. Entries not picked up will be discarded at the end of the convention. See the Awards Manual for requirements and details for these awards.
Best Website Award
SCV units interested in competing for the Best Website Award should submit their URL through the link on the front page of the website at no later than June 15, 2008. Judging will be performed by experienced webmasters outside the SCV, based on generally recognized criteria for website excellence. Judging will take place at a randomly chosen time between June 10 and July 10, 2008.
Individual Member Awards
Any nominations for individual member awards should be submitted by Division Commanders to the GHQ no later than June 15, 2008 to allow time for Awards Committee review, approval by the Commander in Chief, and for the staff to prepare the awards and include the names in the Awards Luncheon Booklet. Please submit these award recommendations even sooner if you are able to do so. If you miss this deadline, GHQ will not be able to list your division’s award recipients in the souvenir booklet.
Presentation of Awards
All awards will be recognized at the Awards Luncheon on Friday, July 18, 2008 or at the Saturday night banquet on July 19, 2008. Please pick up your award after the luncheon as well as those of men in your camp to take them home with you. This simple process will also save the SCV hundreds of dollars of postage expense and enable the staff to process your dues and new memberships more quickly when they return to GHQ.