Sunday, July 3, 2011

Message From the CIC Regarding the Montgomery Reunion

2 July 2011
Beaufort, South Carolina

re: 2011 National Convention

Dear Officers and Compatriots,

I hope this finds you well. I am writing you this evening to encourage your attendance at the upcoming national convention. This year we will not concern ourselves with elections or amendments. We will spend our time developing a strategy to take our organization to new heights of success.

The officers in your national office have been busy developing a plan that will guide our path to victory in the coming years. This bold move can only be accomplished with your input and help. It is imperative that you attend and voice your opinion about the direction to take the SCV. Your contribution and involvement is vital to the success of this operation.

Come be an integral part of Southern history and together let’s build a stronger more influential SCV that will impact the American mindset and preserve our noble heritage for generations to come. Be in Montgomery, Alabama, July 13-16, 2011 and we will begin a march down a new-cut path to vindication of the Cause of the South.

I look forward to seeing you there. Until then and after, I remain,

Respectfully yours,

Michael Givens