Monday, October 27, 2008

Alabama Memorial Ceremony

Heritage groups to pay homage to Confederate monument
Courthouse memorial honors local Civil War veterans
By Hamilton RichardsonProgress staff writer


Many people who pass by the large stone monument on their way to the Autauga County courthouse every day may not even notice it, even though it's been there for 100 years.
The monument to Confeder­ate soldiers, however, will be the center of attention Sunday as the Sons of Confederate Veter­ans sponsor a special commemo­ration ceremony.

As well as the Sons of Confed­erate Veterans, the Prattville Dragoons and the Autauga County Heritage Association will also sponsor and play an in­tegral part in the ceremony. The event will take place at 3 p.m. at the Autauga County courthouse and afterwards, at the Heritage Museum for a reception.