April is Confederate History and Heritage Month
More than 2,000 men from Cherokee County proudly served in the Southern armies during the War of Northern Aggression from 1861 to 1865. They fought to defend their homes and families from an invading army who desperately needed and sought the South’s abundant resources of cotton, tobacco and abundant agricultural supplies.
Today, more than 143 years after the war ended in mid-1865, there is a very dedicated group in Cherokee County who continue to pay tribute to their Southern ancestors’ struggle for Southern independence during the War between the States.
They are proudly known as the Cross of Saint Andrew camp No. 2009 of the Sons of Confederate Veterans in the Texas division of the East Texas brigade.
“Every member of the camp is a direct blood descendant of a Confederate veteran which is the main requirement to join,” Camp Commander and eight-year SCV veteran Kenneth McClure said. “As direct descendants of these brave men of honor it is our duty to never let them be forgotten. Our main mission is to place new military grave markers for these Southern heroes, as many of their original old headstones have become damaged or destroyed over many decades of neglect and exposure to the elements.
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