Sunday, February 17, 2013

Award Nomination Deadline for Reunion Announced


In a few months we will meet in in Vicksburg for our next Reunion. One of the activities at each reunion is the presentation of awards for deserving compatriots. Division Commanders and Army Commanders should submit the names of those they recommend for awards to General Headquarters on the forms provided under Forms and Documents on SCV.ORG.

 The forms can be found at the following addresses:

The forms are available in both PDF and Word Format.  They should be sent to the names and email address given on the forms. They can also be faxed into GHQ or sent by US. Mail to GHQ.

The deadline for submissions is May, 17, 2013. 

If you have any questions I can be reached at 318-387-3791

I look forward to seeing you at the Reunion.

Chuck Rand
Chief of Staff