Friday, May 28, 2010


Proposed Constitutional Amendments 2010:

Items in ( ) are to be deleted; items in { } are to be added.

Proposed Constitutional Amendment #2010-1C
Proposed by Mark V. Brandon
General Henry Watkins Allen Camp 133

To prohibit a sitting CIC and GEC from refusing to hear an appeal by a member referred by the disciplinary committee for action by the GEC.

13.7 Appeal. The accused may appeal the decision by submitting a request for an appellate hearing to the Commander-in-Chief within thirty (30) days of the date from which the notice was sent. The request for appeal, once received by the Commander-in-Chief, shall be ordered for hearing before the General Executive Council in a timely manner. The General Executive Council ( may decide whether or not to ) {must} hear the appeal {if requested by the disciplined member; a 2/3} majority shall be necessary to uphold the decision of the Disciplinary Committee. The General Executive Council may remand the case to the Committee for reconsideration. The accused shall be notified of the decision of the General Executive Council by U.S. Mail or private carrier which provides proof of delivery.

Proposed Constitutional Amendment #2010-2C
Proposed by Charles Kelly Barrow
John McIntosh Kell Camp 107

2.1 The Sons of Confederate Veterans, in furtherance of the Charge of Lieutenant General Stephen D. Lee, shall be strictly patriotic, historical, educational, fraternal, benevolent, non-political, non-racial and non-sectarian. The Sons of Confederate Veterans neither embraces, nor espouses acts or ideologies of racial and religious bigotry, and further,{ strongly } condemns the misuse of its sacred symbols and flags in the conduct of same. Each member is expected to perform his full duty as a citizen according to his own conscience and understanding.

Proposed SCV Constitutional Amendment 2010-3C
Proposed by Chuck McMichael
Lt. Gen. Richard Taylor Camp 1308

Purpose : To allow a family to ensure that its son or grandson will always be a member of the SCV. Fathers and Grandfathers will be able to do this for a male heir from the time of birth, which is most likely a time when they have a high interest in the child someday being a member. In many cases it may also bring peace of mind to the member that he has met this obligation and does not worry if he will be in a position to do so in later years.

3.6. Life Membership. Members who make a qualifying contribution to the Life Membership Endowment Fund shall be termed Life Members.

3.6.1. The amount of the qualifying contribution shall be twenty-five (25) times the amount of annual dues for applicants up to 65 years of age, and half that amount for applicants 65 years of age or older with applicable rules and forms to be determined by the General Executive Council.

3.6.2. Life Members shall be exempt from the payment of per capita dues to General Headquarters.

3.6.3. Life Members may receive such special recognition, certificates and badges as the General Executive Council shall deem proper

{ 3.6.4 A contribution to the Life Membership Endowment Fund may be made on behalf of anyone who is otherwise qualified to be a member. Proof of qualification shall be presented at the time of contribution. If the named individual is under the age of regular membership, he will be a Cadet Member in good standing until reaching the prescribed age. At that point his Life Membership shall be activated and he shall receive such special recognition, certificates and badges as the General Executive Council shall deem proper for Life Membership. }

Proposed SCV Constitutional Amendment #2010-4C
Proposed by Denne A. Sweeney
COL A. H. Belo Camp 49

The purpose of this amendment is to make this section consistent with section 13.10, which states that expelled members are not eligible for reinstatement

3.3.2. Expulsion. Any individual expelled from membership under the provisions of this Constitution and Standing Orders shall be stricken from the roster, and the Adjutant-in-Chief shall take care to note his name so that he may not be readmitted nor reinstated to membership ( except by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the General Executive Council upon recommendation of the Commander-in-Chief ) .

Proposed SCV Constitutional Amendment #2010-5C
Proposed by Mark Simpson
Brig Gen Samuel McGowen Camp 40

3.6. Life Membership. Members who make a qualifying contribution to the Life Membership Endowment Fund shall be termed Life Members.

3.6.1. The amount of the qualifying contribution shall be twenty-five (25) times the amount of annual dues for applicants up to 65 years of age, and half that amount for applicants 65 years of age or older { and half that amount again for applicants 80 years of age or older } with applicable rules and forms to be determined by the General Executive Council.

3.6.2. Life Members shall be exempt from the payment of per capita dues to General Headquarters

3.6.3. Life Members may receive such special recognition, certificates and badges as the General Executive Council shall deem proper.

Proposed Standing Orders Amendments 2010:

Proposed SCV Standing Ordes Amendment #2010-1S0
Proposed by Denne A. Sweeney
COL A. H. Belo Camp 49

The purposes of this amendment are:

1. To provide for staggered terms on the committee so that expertise in convention planning can be built and maintained over time.

2.The expertise gained should aid the SCV in lowering the cost to members of attending conventions.

3.Place the financial burden on the National organization so that divisions or camps will not be tempted to profiteer, nor will they go into the red due to bad planning.Allow for reunions to be held in locations that may have minimal local SCV support.

6.12. Convention Planning Committee. The committee shall consist of a chairman and at least three members appointed by the Commander in Chief provided that there shall be no more than two (2) members from the same Division. { Initially, the Commander-in-Chief shall appoint members to the Committee with terms of three years, three years, two years and one year, respectively. Additional members beyond three shall be appointed for one year. Thereafter, the term of office of the members of the Committee shall be three years; provided that the members of the Committee shall serve, and be competent to act, until their successors shall have been duly appointed and confirmed. If any member of the Committee shall be unable to serve his full term because of death, resignation or disability, the Commander-in-Chief shall appoint a member to fill the unexpired term. The General Executive Council shall have the power, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote, to find and determine the existence of disability for the purpose of this Section. In addition, the Executive Director will be a permanent member of said committee. } (This committee shall assist camps or divisions in making bids to host a General Reunion and in the planning of General Reunions.)

{ The Committee, in conjunction with local SCV organizations that wish to host a National Convention, shall plan and organize all National Conventions, and is charged with the following responsibilities: }

{ 1. Keeping convention fees and charges as low as possible without incurring financial liabilities to the SCV. The Committee should plan to make a small profit for the SCV, which shall be shared between the National Organization and local SCV organizations assisting with the convention, in a manner to be determined by the GEC. Insuring that Convention guidelines established by the GEC are faithfully executed. Executing all financial contracts on behalf of the National organization. Filing an after-action report which shall include full financial disclosure, as well as detailed attendance statistics. The GEC may direct that the Committee provide additional information. }

2. (The committee shall also r) {R}ecommend{ing} sites & hosts for future conventions ( and Reunions ) whose commencement shall be neither before the tenth (10) of July nor after the twenty-fifth (25) of July each year.

3. Perform such other duties as may be assigned to it.

Proposed SCV Standing Orders Amendment #2010-2SO
Proposed by Charles Kelly Barrow
John McIntosh Kell Camp 107

10.4. It shall be the duty of the Commander of every Camp of the Sons of Confederate Veterans to call a meeting of his respective Camp upon the days appointed by the civil authorities for the commemoration of any Confederate soldier, sailor, { marine } or statesman, and to commemorate such day by appropriate services.