April 5, 2010
Virginia Division
Sons of Confederate Veterans
The Virginia Division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans congratulates and thanks Governor McDonnell for showing both the insight and the courage to proclaim April as Confederate History Month in Virginia. This long overdue proclamation will do much to promote education and tourism in the Commonwealth. It will also spur localities in Virginia to honor and proclaim their own confederate history months while encouraging the teaching of their own local histories.
Governor McDonnell was spot on by using the proclamation to showcase the benefits to our state for both educating our children and promoting tourism. The upcoming Sesquicentennial of the Civil War is fast approaching and tourists will blanket Virginia to learn about the famous leaders and battles of the war and the great suffering which ensued. Interest in the Confederacy will peak as Virginia beckons people to places such as Cold Harbor, Richmond, Spotsylvania Court House, Fredericksburg, Manassas and Hampton Roads.
If the proclamation does anything, it hopefully will be a nail in the coffin of political correctness, an insidious disease infecting our nation. As has often been said, history is history and education is the tool to teach people who we are and where we come from.
Thank you Governor McDonnell for your inspired leadership. We will be the better for it.For information concerning this press release, please contact Brag Bowling at 804-389-3620 or by email at bragdonb@verizon.net
Here is the link to the proclamation:
Here is the link to contact Gov. McDonnell and thank him for the proclamation: